Melissa White was one of those guests. Yup, the ones you never forget!

She is beautiful, she is smart, but she has also been severely traumatized in her past. 

She shares about parental neglect, sexual assault (incest), absent father syndrome, childhood trauma, domestic abuse, runnings with the police, acting out in school, and of course a SERIOUS suicide attempt!

Her story is so deep and so traumatic, that, I can only ask you to please listen and share it.


Find out what she said that made me finally lose it!


 "They confused aggression for strength"


"Your children are not broken"

Where to Find

On Facebook and Instagram: TuVida Life Coaching and Therapy

Are you a physician and a parent? 

Are you overwhelmed?

Not feeling good about yourself? 

Procrastinating a lot?

Not good at setting boundaries?

Feeling Stuck? Undecided? Dealing with a lack of motivation or self-belief?

Your thoughts hindering you from taking that next step?

Needing to reboot and press restart?

These are all quotes from my life coaching clients...

Do you need someone to talk to, to help you jumpstart your life again?

Help you figure out how to move forward?

Let's chat.

Go to, and schedule a free consult.

I guarantee you, you will look at your life with a different pair of lenses...:)


Dr. L

Life Coach


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