In this episode I speak with trans activist, model and personal trainer Cairo on his journey to fitness. He gives an honest account of his struggles, his incredible community and his positive outlook on life. Cairo was such a joy to speak with. I hope you enjoy this episode. 

This episode was scheduled in honour of Pride Month, a month-long celebration of LGBT+ life, culture and progress. 

It feels especially important in light of JKR's transphobic essay this week. I want all my trans listeners to know that they are valid and they are seen and nobody has the right to tell you you aren't real or just a phase.

I remember people telling me being gay was just a phase 12-13 years ago. And while I think gay rights have moved forwards slightly over the last decade, our trans friends have not been awarded as much acceptance or respect and it's outrageous. Not that there isn't still a long way to go for the gays too, but we are not under quite as constant an attack from such public figures. It breaks my heart that people like JKR are using their platform to spread such viterol.

Anyway, this episode isn't about that. This episode showcases a wonderful activist. Cairo and I discuss how helpful fitness can be for your mental health, and why fitness is for everyone - something you know I love to talk about.

Happy Pride Month, folks. 

You can find Cairo on Instagram here: @cairo_leon.

If you'd like to talk to me about this episode, feel free to find me on instagram @superpennie.

And if you would like to help support trans youths this Pride, you can do so here:


Gendered Intelligence

Black LGBTQIA Therapy Fund

Exist Loudly Fund