It isn’t easy to make selling on Amazon your primary income - especially from the startI have trained a number of people, and they all started from working a separate jobDon’t think of “replacing your income” because that just means losing an income streamYour Amazon business has to be important to you - there are lots of distractions and other priorities, but you’ll never be successful with Amazon unless it is a priorityAllot time to organizing and analyzing product and supplier dataTime-shift in a way that works for you; take off the days that will be effective for your business and life, not necessarily just weekends like the typical employee

⚠️Do NOT quit your job to start your Amazon business ⚠️

There is a misconception of glory with entrepreneurship - that once you 'fully commit,' everything will take care of itself. 

Revenue is generated.
Bills are paid.
Life is easy.

This might sting a little, but this couldn't be further from the truth.

After coaching thousands of people on success with Amazon, I have discovered that not all the time is it the smartest idea to drop everything & go full steam in your business.

In fact, the wisest, most successful students typically remain in their careers (or even seek jobs) that keep them stable until they are able to consistently bring in 2, 3, even 5X the monthly income they're receiving from their 9-5's.

I am excited to share deeper with you inside this episode:
