Tonight's special guest is Edna Sailor from North Dakota, a child and adult educator who was 71 years old when she published her first  novel "Alfalfa Girl; the Path from Childhood Molestation to Soul." She wrote the book at a time she was going through several life-threatening illnesses. Edna explains that the last few years have been, “a difficult time for me listening to the Corporate Moguls, Politicians and televangelists continue to pour out their disturbing comments about sexual assault.” Her book is fiction, but every sexual abuse incident depicted is based on real crimes Edna witnessed or was told directly about by another survivor. “Alfalfa Girl” is the inner soul of the fictional teacher and mentor, Emily Sorenson, reflecting Edna, who goes through a painful journey about repeated child abuses. Edna herself is a survivor of five separate persons before the age of about 11. All her abusers were either relatives or close family friends. She was too fearful to tell about the abuse, and did not think anyone would believe her. In her adult life Edna spent thousands of dollars on therapy to deal with the feelings of worthlessness and dirtiness she lived with, and the 'bad girl' label she earned before seeking help. She was able to recover and earn three undergraduate degrees and a Masters degree while raising her three children (and six grandchildren). Edna says she'd wanted to write this book for 50 years, and finally, at age 71, had outlived all her abusers. "I am so hoping my book can bring hope and encouragement to victims and survivors." She wants to educate families about the importance of creating an environment where children feel free to disclose abuse.