Tonight's special guest is Dr Tina Medina from Florida, a child abuse survivor who began to minister in 1998 with a simple Bible Study in her home. "I was ordained in 2001 as a Pastor through Spoken Word Ministries in Jacksonville, Florida and wrote my book series from 2003 until now. I have ministered to thousands of people and the majority of my counseling was conducted on a pastoral basis. My book series is a dynamic one which helps the reader gain help, encouragement, self-esteem building and plenty of positive information on how to overcome sexual abuse. The books are written in a easy to read, kind, sensitive, and loving manner." Under the banner of Real Sexual Abuse Help, Tina's efforts provide helpful video programming for members in your community and across the world. They use traditional counseling techniques, holistic methods, and faith-based counseling methods to help survivors for free by video education. They help all survivors overcome sexual abuse in a compassionate manner. Millions of survivors gain the revelation that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit can heal the broken spirited in sexual abuse recovery, but traditional counseling methods and holistic methods are also shared to met all needs. Tina hopes to provide creative video programming for those who are voiceless. " Survivors want help," she notes, "and we are finding out that a lot of women in business are struggling with issues very similar to sexual abuse, therefore we are here to help." They create videos for children, teenagers, and adults, videos which contain vital educational tools that work.