Tonight's special guest is Ladera Carn (Dr Purposed) from Tomball, Texas, had a rocky childhood. "Finding out that my first incident of molestation was at the age of one. This went on well into my teenage years." She says. "I had to grow up very fast and my biggest fear was my mother. I wouldn’t even think abuse was the appropriate terminology to use, it was more like living with someone that referred to as demonic spirits. I was taught to hate myself, feel unworthy, and that I was the issue to the problems." Let’s fast forward. Ladera asks, "Who would’ve thought that the very abusive lifestyle would one day become my purpose! I’m now a 20-year domestic violence survivor and minister. I’m currently married to a Man of God. We’ve just celebrated our 14th year anniversary in July. I’m an Author of 6 books, a domestic violence educator, survivor, and advocate. I’m the proud owner and founder of many businesses, highly educated, and due to my life history, I received a Honorary Doctorate Degree in Divinity." She's quite busy! "My main business which serves my purpose is called D’Vine Destiny Ministry & Crisis Center for women & children who are victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. I’ve traveled the world this year on a book tour called, BAM (Black Lives Matter) and had the joy of not only being on many talk & radio shows but also is featured for November’s Cover Story on Purpose Magazine." Please see: