Tonight's special guest is Aimee Cabo Nikolov, BSN, from Miami, Florida, a returning NAASCA family member who's helping with the brand new Spanish speaking version our group. A bilingual Cuban American, Aimee's a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and author of the book 'Love Is The Answer, God Is The Cure'. She's also a Neuroscientist! Aimee's life is a testament to the power of honesty, love, and belief. At age 15, Aimee was part of what the Miami media dubbed "The Case from Hell" .. a sexual abuse case that pitted her parents against Aimee and her sister. To this day, Aimee credits her faith in God and the love of her support network for getting her through. Aimee's website, radio show, podcast and speaking engagements are designed to educated, support, and create a safe place for each other. It's not been an easy road getting here. Aimee experienced horrific trauma at an early age, being sexually and emotionally abused by her parents. Her family's secrets came to light as she and her sister brought charges against her parents. After many years of uncertainty, recovery, therapy and family issues, Aimee has created a life filled with love, an impressive career, and her own family. She is an inspiration on so many levels and is dedicating herself to helping others who have experienced trauma and abuse. Aimee is trying to connect, join arms, and create a platform with others to provide support, awareness and healing. We're delighted to be re-connecting with Aimee and exploring more ways to work together.