Tonight's special guest is Timothy 'Ryzer' Poff from Easton, Pennsylvania, Commander and Chapter Leader of the Easton Guardian Angels. He may be joined by other current members of the organization. The Easton Guardian Angels started in 2007 in Easton and has been going strong ever since. A 501(c)3 non-profit community organization, the Chapter works together with other organizations. Ryzer explains, "One of our main focuses is physically patrolling our streets, deterring crime, being the eyes and ears for our police, helping and watching over those in need, as well as mentoring and being positive role models for our youth." Members go through a 12-15 week training which focuses on learning The History of The Guardian Angels, First Aid/CPR/AED certification, PATROL Training, Physiological communications training, Gang Awareness and Self Defense. Many children look up to them and call themselves 'Junior Guardian Angels.' They are closely involved with 'The Easton Block Watch'. Ryzer is on the Board and is a Sector Coordinator for the West Ward, The Weed & Seed summer nights program, and a Summer Program Called 'Angels in the Park.' The Angels are also involved in many other social activities, after school programs and in awarding scholorships. Besides patrolling local area streets, the Chapter has worked in many other communities and does Missing Persons Search and Recovery missions. Ryzer writes, "We search for runaways, missing kids and adults. With boots to the ground we dare to care, and keep things safe beyond the streets."