Values highlight what we stand for. They can represent our unique, individual essence.




Step 1: Peak Experiences:  Identify the times when you were happiest, proudest and most fulfilled

Step 2- Valley experiences: Identify the times when you were unhappy, feeling shame, and unfulfilled,

Step 3: Look at the themes in those experiences to prioritize your top values

Step 4: Evaluate Your Top Values 

Step 5: Value Appraisal: Does it resonate with how you genuinely want to live? How do you want to integrate them in your life?




Authenticity, Achievement, Adventure, Authority, Autonomy, Balance, Beauty, Boldness, Compassion, Challenge, Citizenship, Community, Competency, Contribution, Creativity, Curiosity, Determination, Fairness, Faith, Fame, Friendships, Fun, Growth, Happiness, Honesty, Humor, Influence, Inner Harmony, Justice, Kindness, Knowledge, Leadership, Learning, Love, Loyalty, Meaningful Work, Openness, Optimism, Peace, Pleasure, Poise, Popularity, Recognition, Religion, Reputation, Respect, Responsibility, Security, Self-Respect, Service, Spirituality, Stability, Success, Status, Trustworthiness, Wealth, Wisdom


Boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify for themselves what are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around them and how they will respond when someone steps outside those limits. (

Mentioned Reference:Black, J. & Enns, G. (1997) Better Boundaries: Owning and Treasuring Your Life. Oakland, CA. Raincoast Books)



Values inform how you make decisions on your boundaries. They empower you to live with ease and fulfillment, with fewer regrets and resentments along the way.