00:00 - Being painfully middle class and watching people with real jobs go about their business.
13:33 - Our pal @twpercival1 has a question for us, which is: "why when people remake a film is it a remake, but if you remake a song it's a cover?" and we then proceed to talk about Honey, I Shrunk the Kids for an extraordinary amount of time.
23:13 - A competition to read the Discworld novels, a rivalry-inducing board game app called ScorePal, and a daily check in via Daylio.
37:40 - A smooth segue and a Charity Miles update.
45:18 - What film should never be remade? We have an answer.
47:47 - The light and breezy TV series, Chernobyl.

All that, and the circle of life, with Dan (@ThisDanFrost), Kris (@DigitalStrider), Peter (@XeroXeroXero), and Sam (@MrSamTurner).

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