00:00 - Roll Dice Gaming is a solid addition to the UK tabletop event calendar, and 2019's weekend was "a good first event" (even if we didn't get a goodie bag!), but it's currently a bit lacking in an identity to call its own.

09:45 - From Gen42, the folks who brought you Hive, comes Feed Me!, which is coming to board game stores this Christmas. We saw it at Roll Dice Gaming and it's a physics-y puzzle game that's a bit Pachinko, a bit Rube Goldberg machine, and more than a little Cut the Rope.

20:25 - Woof.

25:20 - Meditation. Mindfulness. And games like Stardew Valley that transport you to a peaceful, relaxed state of mind.

35:15 - Dandy Dungeon - Legend of Brave Yamada is an odd game with a strong pedigree, that's a blend of puzzle-infused dungeon crawling RPG, and critique of the games industry, and it feels just right on Switch.

45:45 - Our listener question this week comes from our pal Adam... or was it Greg? Anyway, he asks us which real life statistic we would want to know about our own lives. Plus bonus guest appearance from Lisa, who argues with an apostle.

All that, and the calming properties of public transport, with Peter (@XeroXeroXero) and Sam (@MrSamTurner).

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