00:00 - Going to the UK Games Expo, and a gift of Wibbell++.
05:50 - Gravity wells and hex maps and a problem in the making with a purchase of BattleTech: AeroTech.
07:58 - Chocobo Party Up! is Square Enix's latest in-house designed board game, we've played it, and we can tell you all about fat Chocobos.
14:25 - Avoiding a potion explosion with Wolfgang Warsch's The Quacks of Quedlinburg.
26:27 - God of War, how it relates to parenting, and a discussion about difficulty in video games.
39:12 - Butterscotch Shenanigan's Levelhead has difficulty that's super high, but that's also part of why it's so satisfying.
43:08 - Celeste's mountain climb is tough, but very smart, has something to say, and is so incredibly rewarding.
48:26 - Hello and welcome to "Peter Asks a Question".
52:40 - Our Listener Question for this episode comes from our pal Robyn Zwicker, who asks: "What is the best biscuit to have with tea?" and the answer to which we all vehemently disagree.

All that, and going for a cry, with Dan (@ThisDanFrost), Kris (@DigitalStrider), Peter (@XeroXeroXero), and Sam (@MrSamTurner).

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