Want to spice up your morning latte? Try adding some mushrooms to it. And not just any mushrooms, but a specific species that only grows on a small percentage of birch trees in cold weather climates. Seems a bit extreme, right? To Brandon Mizrahie it seemed like the perfect idea for a business. Chaga mushrooms are known to have a long list of health benefits, so Brandon set out to find the ideal delivery system. After offering several varieties of Chaga beverages at a local farmer’s market, the one that was far and above the best seller was the chagaccino. But success at one farmer’s market can only get you so far, and Brandon knew this product had much more significant potential.

Listen in as we cover everything from why he didn’t want his branding to be associated with hippies, why humans are closer to the fungi kingdom than the plant kingdom, and why adaptogens are more of a re-discovery than a new trend.

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