When it comes to the art world, you have artists, dealers, and collectors. Dealers have been around almost as long as humans have been selling art, linking buyers and artists together all over the globe. The relationship between an artist and a dealer was originally based on commerce but eventually evolved into one that included sincere advocacy and patronage. The art dealers of today are often just as much talent managers as they are brokers. This is very much the case for our guest today, Arushi Kapoor. Arushi has been involved in the art world since her teenage years, starting with an internship at Sotheby’s and launching from there into opening up her own galleries all over the world. She’s a champion of artists both upcoming and established, and she’s here today to talk with us about the contemporary art world, both analog and digital.

Listen in as we cover everything from why an artist needs around a thousand pieces before they have a recognizable style, the frustrations of being a financial coach to artists, and why you don’t need to have a great business mindset to get represented as an artist; you just need to be better than the most awkward person in the room.