How to change your story and find success with Mark Sephton

Mark Sephton knows a little something about changes. He’s an author and personal mentor to entrepreneurs. You may recognize his name and his voice. I interviewed him in STANDOUT episode #9.

He’s about to release his second book, entitled Plot Twist.

A plot twist is an unexpected development. When watching a movie or reading a book, those plot twists are necessary to hold your attention. In real life, though, a plot twist is not always something pleasant.

Listen to my chat with Mark, who talks about ways you can address the plot twists in your own life, and come out ahead.

What you'll learn in this episode:

*The steps Mark took to get invited on stages around the world and write for Entrepreneur
*How to handle the curve balls that life throws at you
*The key to telling a great story
*The rule he follows when selling and buying
*How to be a success on stage
*Key advice for those who are going through plot twists in their life right now

Links mentioned in this episode:

Plot Twist on Amazon
Mark Sephton on Facebook
Mark Sephton on Instagram
Mark Sephton on LinkedIn
Mark Sephton on Twitter

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