Capture media attention by serving your audience FIRST with Carrie Wilkerson

Many people who have been able to grow large audiences tell me the reporters and producers call them. But wait, how do you get to that level?

I know you will love my conversation with Carrie Wilkerson, an entrepreneur, speaker and author - who breaks down what she did in the very beginning, before she got featured on CNN or Fox News or Forbes.

Remember, everybody starts with one follower. Those numbers grow as you work to build relationships with people. Carrie shares the strategy she uses to grow her following, how she was able to attract the attention of the media, and why her mission is the same now as it was when she began.

What you'll learn in this episode:

*The key steps Carrie took to build her following one person at a time (before social media!)
*How she created content so that it appeared as if she was "everywhere"
*The stroke of luck that got Carrie featured on CNN
*The power of big-name media attention
*How to get past the fear of reaching out and pitching the media
*How to build a social strategy from scratch
*How to create a content strategy that doesn’t add to the busy-ness of your day
*Why Carrie doesn't have a podcast, but learn how she uses the format to create content for her channels

Links mentioned in this episode: (Visit here for Carrie's 7-day free coaching series)

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