Got great press? How to capitalize on the attention with Joe Apfelbaum

What is one media mention worth to your business? How about from a really big name?

Quite a bit, but you may need to put in a little bit of legwork before you start to see the returns. Entrepreneur Joe Apfelbaum explains all of this, by sharing his strategy for maximizing the media exposure he’s already gotten. You may have seen him on Fox Business, or read about him in the Wall Street Journal or Business Insider.

Maybe you missed his appearances on TV live, or didn’t catch the stories when they first came out. Joe talks about the power of the promotion machine, and what you can do to capitalize on any media attention you receive.

What you'll learn in this episode:

*How Joe's company, digital marketing agency Ajax Union, niched down to find success
*Questions to ask yourself if you want to wildly succeed in business
*The most important thing you need to know to get publicity for your business
*The step-by-step promotion machine Joe created after getting some big press
*The ROI of press attention, and how he uses it to grow his business
*Why content creation is critical to establishing thought leadership

Links mentioned in this episode: (HARO)

Average Joe to CEO on YouTube

CEO Mojo podcast

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