Tune in to hear:

- How does Brian McLaughlin’s entrepreneurial journey fit into the mold of Campbell’s Hero’s Journey?

- What was Brian’s “call to adventure,” or his impetus for creating Redtail, and how did he take this leap?

- Is this “call to adventure” for entrepreneurs, writ large, often about coming up with a practical solution to a particular problem they are facing?

- What needs to be in place before an entrepreneur takes a leap and who should or shouldn’t go into business for themselves? How should people decide whether to accept or refuse a call to adventure?

- Who were some of the mentors Brian McLaughlin found along the way and what role did they fill? 

- Did Brian have mentors who gave him support and advocated for him, as well as those who were critical of him when he fell short and gave him tough love?

- How did Brian get the courage to surround himself with people who would call him out on any nonsense?

- At what point in the Redtail journey was he most scared and how did this ordeal shape and mold both Brian and his business?

- What has been the overall impact of his newfound financial abundance and how is he thinking through it so he can enjoy the best parts of this windfall while avoiding the worst parts?

- What leadership lessons is Brian bringing to Orion and how does he keep his entrepreneurial drive alive in a much larger organization like this?

Compliance Code: 0709-OAS-3/9/2023


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