Tune in to hear:

- Ben had a crippling bout of anxiety and depression in college that effectively made him a shut-in at his parent’s house. What did he realize was at the root of these problems and what did he do next?

- How did Ben’s two week “bucket list” roadtrip with friends transition into a decade plus long mission?

- Ben’s project, The Buried Life, is also about helping other people realize their dreams too. Along this path, what are some of the coolest things he has helped to bring about in others’ lives?

- What types of bucket list items did Ben find that seemed to really sate people’s desires for deep meaning and fulfillment? Also, were there some things that didn’t satisfy people as much as he expected?

- Ben has nearly completed his first 100 bucket list items - what remains to be done and how does he think it will feel when he finally completes it?



Compliance Code: 0710-OAS-3/9/2023