
From music to digital marketing, the inner rockstar in Glenn Allen shifted and switched his calling quite a few times until he found his destined path in the marketing space. One thing you should know is that Glenn does things a little bit differently. To backtrack a bit, our guest today started out as a multi-instrumental musician with the Berkley College of Music however ended up teaching music and starting his youtube channel sharing how to write songs and the works. Coming up with ideas on how to monetize his current situation, he started creating digital courses and marketing himself. Next thing, he’s in a different place, running a business helping musicians launch their digital courses. Now he consults creative entrepreneurs on their marketing & positioning.

So many times throughout his life and entrepreneurial journey Glenn always had a vision of what he thought he was gonna do. He’s faced down a fair share of “nopes” & rejection during the course of his life. But, in learning to let go of those negative things he discovered there’s a greater purpose and realized that things do come full circle for you. The path wasn’t smooth at all, Glenn switched businesses and some things restricted him. We dive into those as the episode progresses.

Stay on this episode and hear about an amazing surprise Glenn has for you! There’s a freebie awaiting. Check out the “mentioned links” section for the link and grab it now.

Key Points From This Episode:

Hear Glenn’s backstoryCome to the realization of playing a game he didn’t need to be playingLearn about how he does things differentlyDiving into the evolution of his Youtube channelsHow a path was paved as Glenn transitioned to Marketing 


“In learning to let go of those things...there’s a better purpose.” [0:01:12] -Glenn Allen

“The fact that you were literally all of your former clients or former versions of your clients and how that synergistically ties together, it makes perfect sense of who you were meant to serve and how you were meant to serve them.” [0:14:42] -Cassandra Shuck

“When things you are supposed to do keep calling you, even though they may not be successful, they continue to call you sometimes louder and sometimes more efficient in other ways.” [0:15:39] -Cassandra Shuck

“Clarity sells, confusion repels.” [0:25:36] -Glenn Allen

Mentioned links:

The Glenn Allen Show (website)

The Glenn Allen Show Youtube channel

The Golden Lead Magnet (freebie) 

Cassandra Shuck