
Today, we’re visited by a business sister in the digital marketing space and currently running two businesses. Tameka Allen has a passion for helping women heal from infidelity through The Healed Heart. Aside from that, she also owns a Digital Marketing Agency, Allen Digital Group. As we go briefly into who Tameka Allen is, the youngest of seven siblings, she started her corporate career in Human Resources. Ten years into HR, she felt the need to shift and do something different. Taking a step into entrepreneurship, Tameka was coaching on the side and learning to market her coaching business. That’s how she veered from coaching to started taking VA services; it came naturally for her. The digital marketing stuff was a no-brainer for her. And in 2015, she finally took a step out of corporate. 

We hear about Tameka’s takeaways from 2020, the hectic year and the realizations about the need continue the conversation on Diversity. She continues to share with us a report she read on the financial gap of Black American women business owners from other ethnicities. And she tells that there’s also a colorism within her own black community and her firsthand experience. That’s how she advocates the importance of diversity not only in her business but also in the space she occupies. And as you listen further, Tameka answers what people can do to continue the conversation and change the game of diversity. Join us in this eye-opening conversation and listen on.

Key Points From This Episode

Brief intro on Tameka AllenHow she started in coaching and veered into digital marketingTameka’s takeaways from 2020Tameka shares about the American Express State of Woman-Owned Businesses ReportColorism in the black communityDiversity in businessTameka answers what people can do to continue the conversation and change the game of diversity


“While there is competition, it’s more of why can’t it be just collaboration.” [0:02:12] -Tameka Allen

“The further we get away from the traditional corporate life the more it feels like that’s not the end-all-be-all.” [0:13:28] -Tameka Allen

“Connect with someone that’s not gonna be biased at how much they know about you, whether they even like you, but who’s gonna be honest with you on what this journey really really looks like.” [0:51:50] -Tameka Allen

“Invest in Black Women-owned businesses because that’s gonna help close the financial gap.” [0:53:01] -Tameka Allen

Mentioned Links

American Express:  2019 Report on the State of Women Owned Businesses 

The Healed Heart Podcast

Allen Digital Group website

Allen Digital Group (Facebook)

Allen Digital (Instagram)

Allen Digital Group (Youtube)

Cassandra Shuck