You wouldn’t believe it but she can be the bridge between the cognitive mind and intuitive feeling. It’s gonna be a new and improved Stacked Against starting today a.k.a “Sh*t’s About to Get Really Crazy”. In this episode we have Malorie Nicole, our first guest in this newly rebranded podcast. Diving into Malorie’s past and the progress towards her current life as an entrepreneur. She’s the type of entrepreneur who can’t be at home 365 days a year as she’s always drawn by the need to meet people. Malorie saw parallels before she started her own business as she was stuck and lost when she was experiencing physical symptoms affecting her health. She describes it as “one big synchronicity.” From a health coach to being a business coach, Malorie felt some resistance two months after starting her business. There were self-doubts as a newbie in the business coaching space and suddenly she gets attraction from fellow business owners who had been in business longer than she has, asking mindset help from her.

We always wonder how some life events are perfectly intertwined in our lives while others don’t. The realities coming together and that “Now-I-Get-It” moments are what we can describe as synchronicity. Malorie dives into synchronicities and how they are external validation or proof that you’re doing the things the highest/greatest self has the capability to do. There’ll be times where part of your business you’ll not be jolted/excited about everything anymore and in the long run you’ll realize why and that’s how synchronicity takes into play in your life. A little reminiscing as Malorie goes back to the event Cassandra and her initially meet.

Continue on listening and learn more from Malorie and Cassandra as they start to get really crazy. Join us.

Key Points From This Episode:

Quickly touch base about the rebranding of Cassandra’s podcast

Talks about synchronicities in Malorie’s business

Backtrack into Malorie’s past

Diving into a resistance after her decisions 

Goes into the money world


“When you’re not seeing synchronicity and when you’re not aware of the things happening, you are completely unaligned and you’re not really on the path you need to be on.” [0:04:47] -Malorie Nicole

“A lot of the things in our personal lives tend to represent and pull in things into our business life.” [0:06:47] -Cassandra Shuck

”There are so many different signs and so many different paths that cross that bring us to where we’re supposed to be if we’re willing to see it and allow it to be easy.” [0:26:08] -Cassandra Shuck

“It being easy doesn’t mean that you don’t sometimes have to be brave.” [0:23:20] -Malorie Nicole

“Money is a big piece of resistance and a big piece of fear for most. And money is the invitation to actually get to do the things calling unto your heart.” [0:23:46] -Cassandra Shuck

“When we fixate on trying to understand it we block ourselves from receiving it anyways.” [0:30:38] -Malorie Nicole 

Mentioned links:

Abundantly Clear podcast

Malorie Nicole

Cassandra Shuck