You wouldn’t realize how the Universe is full of synchronicities or how every dot in your life is really connected until it happens to you. Nate Rifkin is a prime example of how dropping out of college became a sign from the Universe that would eventually lead him to where he is today.  

To know about Nate’s story a little, he used to be suicidal and drank alcohol every morning. He dropped out of college, went broke, bankrupt, and even worked on the street corner waving around a sign to afford rent and food. But he’s managed to grow from his challenges, find love, and now has an amazing life. A major key to his transformation has been expanding his awareness of how the universe works.

As we get into detail in this episode, we experience with Cassandra and Nate how the synchronicities in Nate’s life all unfold. You’ll hear him realize in this episode more events that even he didn’t know were actually connected. The hits and misses that led him to integrate in his new path practices from the Daoist tradition.

Get to hear a love story as well. You’ll be amazed to hear how Nate and his wife crossed paths multiple times before they knew each other. Both from the east coast, the two had been moving around the same time from Florida to Colorado to that one store in Broadway Street then finally meeting on a dating site.

For those of you desiring to break free from a frustrating life, speaking from his experiences, Nate encourages daily practice of getting centered and stillness, with meditation or any kind of activity that will help you get back to self.  Listen in now.

Key Points From This Episode

Nate shares about the moment he decided to drop out of collegeNate realizes along the way the numerous synchronicities in his life The hits and misses he encountered in building his previous businessesNate getting into Daoism with the influence of his former teacherHe recalls the many instances he and his wife almost crossed paths and finally meeting through an online dating siteHow you can turn your life into a blossoming one by having a daily practice of getting centeredTalks about his newly released book The Standing Meditation


“If something's on the to do list for your life, you're going to be nudged there.”  [0:09:30] -Nate Rifkin

“You have to have some kind of yearning or pain in order for the openness to hear what's going to take you to the next level.” [0:20:01] -Nate Rifkin

“We should know what we want, but it’s really having that openness and perception to say ‘maybe this isn’t what’s best for me.’” [0:43:16] -Cassandra Shuck

Mentioned Links

Nate Rifkin

The Standing Meditation

Cassandra Shuck