We’ve always talked about the raw stuff in every episode of Stacked Against but in this episode, you’ll be hearing something different from that. Cassandra will be redefining her new normal and redefining who Cassandra really is. She hashes through her experience at a three-day retreat at Rhytmia in Costa Rica. Cassandra shares her personal experience using the ayahuasca plant medicine. Being the Type A that she is, the decision to the retreat was all backed up with research and a few questions prepared beforehand back in December 2020. 

In Part 1 of the podcast, Cassandra fast forwards to the day before flying out to Costa Rica anxious of what was about to come. Going there with the goal to heal her mother wounds but led to many other things, as well. Wanting to release her fear, her need to please, and her desire to fit in, she hopes that this retreat would be the solution to finally getting rid of it.

Key Points From This Episode:

Detailed experience during the retreat at RhythmiaExperience with Ayahuasca CeremonyChat about breathwork The 4 different ways ayahuasca will speak to peopleTalks about her celestial surgeriesMentions her 2 intentions she wants to focus onGetting into higher states of consciousness without using plant medicine Something new to come


“Different levels of consciousness and different levels of connection with higher self can be done just from being present.” -Cassandra Shuck

“I see this as being a coming of age ceremony…and experience for kids and teenagers who are stepping into who they’re supposed to be and trying to figure that out.” -Cassandra Shuck

“When you’re on a spiritual path there are so many things lining up for you. And there are so many things working in your favor if we allow ourselves to see them.” -Cassandra Shuck

Mentioned links:

Cassandra Shuck

Rhythmia Life Advancement Center

Cassandra Shuck’s Rhythmia Link:  877-835-1811

Stacked Against Episode 1