It’s double the fun on today’s episode as Cassandra is joined by Jennifer and Stephanie  PageWise as we continue to learn about the synchronicities they experienced that made them cross paths to a happy ever after. Our amazing guests are happily married and both do quantum relationship coaching working principally with the LGBTQ+ community. 

As we hop on the discussion, Jennifer and Stephanie tell us about their first meeting that was a big synchronicity from the universe. We hear them talk about their relationship and they give us an insight on the three pillars required for a successful relationship - self-love, communication, and boundaries. Their relationship had also experienced a pause and both of them went through their individual journeys to healing, personal growth, and spiritual growth. They both found interest in A Course in Miracles which became their middle ground into getting back together. As a couple, they let us in on their journey together after the breakup. And as you continue listening up until the very last minute, Jennifer and Stephanie give their one piece of top advice for a relationship. Listen on and hear their inspiring story!

Key Points From This Episode

The big synchronicity that was Jennifer and Stephanie’s first meetingHear them talk about the 3 pillars for a successful relationshipThey talk about their individual journeys towards personal growth and spiritual development Jennifer and Stephanie look back at their time apart and the healing process they did for themselvesAfter their breakup, they found a middle ground and reconnected through A Course in MiraclesThey reflect on their journey together on their growth as a couple and their spiritualityHear their one piece of top advice for a relationship


“Everything is built on that foundation of self-love, self-awareness, self-understanding, self-compassion, and all of those lovely self words.” [0:24:49]  -Cassandra Shuck

“Who are you and what do you love? And when you know that, everything else can come after it.” [0:48:10]  -Jennifer & Stephanie PageWise

“Learn who your authentic self really is. Get in touch with that being. Know what makes you tick, what do you love, what gives you passion, what promotes that amazing feeling inside of you, and be that.” [0:48:24]  -Jennifer & Stephanie PageWise

“We have the right to choose who is in our inner circle.” [0:49:32] -Jennifer & Stephanie PageWise

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Cassandra Shuck