Where has the Sh*t’s About to Get Crazy podcast gone?!  So many loyal and eager listeners have been wondering what happened.  Was there a tragedy in the family?  Business folded up?  Did we lose our microphones?  None of the above!  In fact, as you will hear from the first episode of season 3, life has been busy.  In the spirit of keeping the content fresh and the product equally as exciting, Cassandra took some time away from the microphone this summer to enjoy life and realign her efforts.  (This will probably become an annual vacation!)

In today’s (abbreviated) podcast Cassandra provides a look back upon seasons 1 and 2.  She also teases what will be forthcoming over the PLANNED 38 EPISODES of season 3!  (Side note:  In the spirit of keeping the SEO as broad as possible, the “Sh*t” has been dropped from the official podcast title) But don’t worry!  Cassandra’s content has never been more raw or colorful.

So tune in!  The new format sets a solo-guest-solo cadence of episodes so as to focus on implementing the life skills presented from the guest podcast to our own personal lives.  Let’s go!

Key Points From This Episode

Cassandra fills in the audience as to where she’s been.Focus on self-improvement and genuine wellness themes with a new format.Explains the higher purpose of the podcast with teases of upcoming guests.Reflects positively on both the past & future of the podcast.Cassandra informs the audience that some episodes will be pre-recorded in advance since she will be on maternity leave beginning in November (yay, exciting!)

Mentioned links

Cassandra Shuck