Will Russell is digital marketing consultant, based in San Francisco, helping nonprofits and social enterprises use marketing to increase their impact. Will is also an avid believer in the power of mindset, and has spent the last few years testing countless habits and strategies in a personal and entrepreneurial quest for self-improvement. He has successfully captured some of these experiences in articles he has published on Business Insider.

Will decided to take some massive action in his life when he simply decided to uproot himself from his home in the United Kingdom to move to the United States a few years back. He recalls how it didn’t always seem like it was going to work out and shares what this spontaneous exercise taught him.

Will shares with us how he used mindfulness success habits throughout his journey to help him get past his down moments and times of failure to keep a positive outlook on the future and success. He shares the nitty gritty of the techniques he used when he was setting up his business and still uses to this day. He is adamant that everyone can develop a mindfulness mindset and sums his message up in a four key, easy to remember terms.

As an introvert, Will shares his conference tips on how he makes large conferences attended by thousands of people less intimidating and much more manageable!

You can get in touch with Will and find out more about what he does through his website or follow him on Twitter and, learn from his mindfulness habits by reading his articles on BusinessInsider.com:  

Website: https://willrussellmarketing.com/free-marketing-training Twitter: @willrussellmktg Articles: Advice for people who want to quit their jobs and start a business A regular guy’s guide to mindfulness


Conference highlight

36 | 86 Entrepreneurship and Technology Conference


Nashville, TN: June 4th to June 7th, 2017


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