In this episode of 'Daily Spark,' Dr. Sabba Quidwai explores the concept of "Learning to Learn Again." This journey is about reigniting the childlike curiosity we often lose as we grow older, and understanding its importance in an AI-driven world.

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Key Points:

The Power of Childlike Curiosity: Dr. Quidwai emphasizes the organic approach to learning seen in children, like her young nephew and niece, which is essential for creativity and innovation. She highlights how this innate curiosity is the foundation of human prompts necessary for AI.

Challenges in Adult Learning: The episode delves into the constraints adults face, as shaped by societal expectations and rigid education systems. It references Microsoft's report, noting how 68% of people lack time for critical introspection, leading to barriers in exploring and reaching full potential.

Breaking Free and Rekindling Joy: Dr. Quidwai urges listeners to rediscover the joy and wonder of learning. She suggests starting each day with a fresh perspective, free from past setbacks or preconceived notions.

Inspiration from Leaders: The story of Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, is highlighted. His commitment to continuous learning and instilling a growth mindset in Microsoft showcases the transformative power of staying adaptable and innovative.

Impactful Quotes:

"AI always needs a human prompt. And the best prompts come from this innate curiosity." - Dr. Sabba Quidwai. "Imagine if our education fostered and amplified these inherent strengths, skills, and dispositions instead of letting them die away." - Dr. Sabba Quidwai. "In our dynamic, AI-centric world, where change is the only constant, embracing this ethos of perpetual learning is not just beneficial – it's essential." - Dr. Sabba Quidwai.

Envisioned Results:
Dr. Quidwai encourages listeners to embrace lifelong learning in 2024, with the understanding that learning is a social activity. She invites listeners to explore new possibilities, be it through podcasts, new connections, hobbies, languages, or professional upskilling.

SPARK Prompt Template for "Learning to Learn":

"Hey ChatGPT, I'm focusing on personal growth and I'd like some guidance. Here's my SPARK scenario:

Situation: I want to improve in [identify the specific area or skill, like public speaking, a new language, coding, etc.]. Problem: I'm hesitant because [explain your fears or hesitations, like fear of failure, not having enough time, feeling too old to learn, etc.]. Aspiration: My goal is to approach this learning process with [describe the enthusiasm or mindset you wish to have, like a child's curiosity, eagerness to grow, etc.]. Results: Successfully learning this skill will help me [describe the potential benefits or growth outcomes, such as advancing in my career, feeling more confident, personal satisfaction, etc.].


Example SPARK Scenario:

"Hey ChatGPT, I'm focusing on personal growth and I'd like some guidance. Here's my SPARK scenario:

Situation: I want to improve my ability to speak Spanish. I've always been interested in the language and culture, and I think it could open up more travel and job opportunities. Problem: I'm hesitant because I've never been great at languages, and I'm worried I'm too old to start learning something so complex. Aspiration: My goal is to approach learning Spanish with the same excitement and lack of self-consciousness that a child has when they're learning to speak for the first time. Results: Successfully learning Spanish will help me feel more connected to a culture I love, boost my resume, and give me the confidence to travel to Spanish-speaking countries. Kismet: Could you provide some steps or strategies to help me begin this journey effectively?

Dr. Quidwai reminds listeners that their unique human advantage in an AI world stems from curiosity.

Connect with the Speaker:

Dr. Sabba Quidwai's LinkedIn Dr. Sabba Quidwai's Website Dr. Sabba Quidwai on Twitter Dr. Sabba Quidwai on Instagram

Your feedback and stories are welcome. Share your thoughts and experiences with Dr. Quidwai via email or social media to possibly feature in the weekly reflection episode.

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