Episode Overview:
Welcome to the first episode of 'Daily Spark,' where Dr. Sabba Quidwai guides us in strengthening our human advantage in an AI-dominated world. This episode focuses on overcoming the 'Blank Canvas' anxiety and leveraging design thinking to transform challenges into opportunities.

Today's Prompt (Edit, cut, and paste this prompt into any AI tool, works best with ChatGPT4):

Hey ChatGPT, I'm looking at 2024 as a blank canvas for my personal and professional development. 

My current challenge is [describe a specific area you want to improve or a goal you want to achieve]. My aspiration for the new year is to [outline what you hope to accomplish or develop]. 

Achieving this would mean [explain the significance of this goal for you, like gaining new skills, career advancement, personal fulfillment, etc.]. Can you help me with 4 specific steps or ideas to begin this journey effectively?


Prompt Example:

Hey ChatGPT, I'm looking at 2024 as a blank canvas for my personal and professional development. My current challenge is enhancing my public speaking skills. I've always been a bit shy and hesitant when speaking in front of groups, and this has held me back in my career. My aspiration for the new year is to become more confident and effective as a public speaker. I want to be able to present my ideas clearly and persuasively in meetings and at conferences. Achieving this would mean a great deal to me; it would not only boost my career prospects but also increase my self-confidence and ability to influence positive changes in my work. Can you help me with 4 specific steps or ideas to begin this journey effectively?


Key Highlights:

Design Thinking as Your Human Advantage: Design thinking, a method and mindset for reframing challenges, starts with the question, "How might we?" It's crucial for asking the right questions, especially when using AI tools.

The Power of the Right Prompt: Before prompting AI tools like ChatGPT, Bing, Bard, or Claude, prompting the human mind is vital. This series aims to build creative confidence, reminding us that our first try is never our last.

Overcoming 'Blank Canvas' Anxiety: The episode discusses the paralyzing yet potential-filled moments of facing a blank canvas. Dr. Quidwai shares an impactful quote from Seth Godin's "Linchpin," emphasizing the distinction between 'the job' and 'the work,' which involves personal responsibility and challenging the status quo.

Embracing 2024 as a Blank Canvas: The episode encourages viewing the new year as a canvas for personal and professional growth. A daily SPARK prompt is provided to guide this journey.

Closing Thoughts:
This episode inspires us to take small, purposeful steps towards our goals in 2024. Remember, each step is a stroke of progress in the masterpiece of your journey.

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