Anger is an empowering emotion, nothing is wrong with it. The danger with Anger is when it goes on for too long. ~ Marina Catacuzino 

Marina started the Forgiveness Project out of anger during the time of the Iraq War. 

Her passion to bring peace through this practice of forgiveness is compelling and transformational. 


In this episode you will learn how forgiveness  . . . . 

Is being at peace with your past  Reconciling with your pain  Creates compassion towards other  Causes curiosity respect and empathy  Is done through our actions vs words  Unconditional and conditional  Loving the failing aspects of humanity How we relate to the world on a deep level 

At the very beginning of this episode, Marina share two inspiring quotes: 

Anger is a catalyst. Holding on to it will make us exhausted and sick. Internalizing anger will take away our joy and spirit; externalizing anger will make us less effective in our attempts to create change and forge connections.  Brene Brown. 

Pain that is not transformed is transmitted - Richard Rohr 


To find out more about her and the Forgiveness Project


You can find her two books on Amazon

Forgiveness is Really Strange 

The Forgiveness Project: Stories for a Vengeful Age 

Want to join Anna Willard with this practice of Forgiveness? 

Click here to learn more about #mindmobility a free 7 day guide eliminating tensive muscle and tensive thoughts 


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