This week I'm talking about postpartum nutrition. We get so much nutrition information before and during pregnancy. Then we have a baby and we're left to figure it all out on our own. Not only that, but we're also expected to bounce back to business as usual with life, work, and get our bodies back in warp speed time. 

Totally unrealistic! And why is no one talking more about postpartum nutrition to support moms in healing and recovery after birth? Why is most of the information out there about dieting to lose the baby weight? 

Jaren Soloff, a San Diego-based dietitian and lactation consultant, chats with me about the importance of NOT dieting after giving birth and focusing more on nutrition that nourishes, heals, and revives our bodies. We also chat about her newly released cookbook, The Postnatal Cookbook. 

In this episode we discuss:

Jaren's personal story connected to intuitive eating and why she works in this space.  When she set out to start writing her cookbook and began to research, she struggled to find information about nutrition for the postpartum phase, thus prompting her to look into postpartum nutrition care in non-Westernized cultures.  Her use of non-Westernized overarching themes of caring for and nurturing the mother in the recipes. How the emphasis in the US after giving birth you’re expected to get back to your pre-baby self ASAP in your job, your body, and all aspects of life, which is not realistic. The different nutritional needs to consider based on the mother's birthing experience, such as an intense labor period or c-section, as well as if the mother is breastfeeding or not.  Jaren's belief that the postpartum phase is not a time to be hyper-focused on losing weight, and thus running the risk for a decrease in nutrition.  A discussion about postpartum depression and anxiety, and how nutrition has the power of impacting our mood.  We chat about her recipes, which incorporate a lot of soups and stews, warming and earthy spices, but also practical, simple recipes like a salad.

Whether you're planning a pregnancy, currently pregnant, or even in the first few months or years of the postpartum phase, Jaren shares great information on postpartum nutrition that we're not getting enough of after giving birth. 

Mentioned in this episode: 

The Postnatal Cookbook by Jaren Soloff, RD, IBCLC

Jaren on Instagram

Jaren's practice Full CRCL

The Postnatal Cookbook on Amazon


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If you leave a review, I will pick one person in February for a free 30-minute mini-session with me! We can address anything you're struggling with: restriction, body image, emotional eating, the restrict/binge cycle, and 24/7 food and body obsession are just a few ideas. Be sure to write the review, then DM me on Instagram (@AlisonBarkmanRD)or email me directly to let me know the review is there!!!


Grab my free guide: 5 Steps to Ditch Diets!!

What will you get in this guide? This is a sample of work I do with my private, 1:1 clients. I’ll take you through:

#1 - examining your personal history with dieting

#2 - reflecting on how diets interfered with your life

#3 - how to slowly get rid of dieting tools you may still use.

#4 - identifying hidden forms of dieting you may still engage in but don’t realize you are and how it interferes with your work to become more intuitive. 

#5 - a worksheet on how to stop the self-critical talk. 



Curious about working together? You can schedule a FREE 20-minute Zoom with me to let me know what you are struggling with and determine if my program is a good fit for you!

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