Have you been told you need to lose weight for health reasons?  Do you struggle with the idea that your weight is NOT the thing to focus on in order to improve your health? 

Did you know there is considerable evidence that focusing on weight and weight loss is associated with a decrease in health?

I’m addressing these very issues in this episode of Speaking of Hungry - I was told I need to lose weight for my health.

Here’s what I review in this episode to help break down this burning question: 

The idea that correlation does not equal causation in weight and health studies.  Other factors we must consider beyond weight loss including weight stigma and weight cycling.  Defining and discussing how weight stigma and weight cycling can contribute to health problems. How weight loss from dieting is not sustainable in the long term for MOST people, so why do we keep prescribing it as a means to improve health? Other behaviors that may be contributing to improved health parameters when weight loss happens.   Healthy habits we can consider that don't have to do with weight loss.  Why it's harmful to keep believing that higher weight is the ultimate culprit behind diseases. 

The idea that being in a bigger body is the cause of health problems and that weight loss must happen in order to improve our health is a topic brought up constantly in my Facebook community and with my clients. I hope this episode sheds some light on this controversial topic!

Mentioned in this episode:

Christy Harrison's Food Psych Podcast

Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating, book by Christy Harrison

The Weight Inclusive vs Weigh Normative Approach to Health: Evaluating the Evidence for Prioritizing Well-Being over Weight Loss - Tylka et.al review, Journal of Obesity, July 2014


If you love the show, please leave a rating and review on Apple podcasts! Please go to iTunes and leave a rating and review!!

If you leave a review, I will pick one person in February for a free 30-minute mini-session with me! We can address anything you're struggling with: restriction, body image, emotional eating, the restrict/binge cycle, and 24/7 food and body obsession are just a few ideas. Be sure to write the review, then DM me on Instagram (@AlisonBarkmanRD) or email me directly to let me know the review is there!!!


Grab my free guide: 5 Steps to Ditch Diets!!

What will you get in this guide? This is a sample of work I do with my private, 1:1 clients. I’ll take you through:

#1 - examining your personal history with dieting

#2 - reflecting on how diets interfered with your life

#3 - how to slowly get rid of dieting tools you may still use.

#4 - identifying hidden forms of dieting you may still engage in but don’t realize you are and how it interferes with your work to become more intuitive. 

#5 - a worksheet on how to stop self-critical talk. 



Curious about working together? You can schedule a FREE 20-minute Zoom with me to let me know what you are struggling with and determine if my program is a good fit for you!

Need MORE help healing your relationship with food AND exercise?

Consider joining my FREE Intuitive Eating & Body Compassion Facebook community!!!