Happy Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving I am asking you to ready yourself. No, you don't need to swap out your favorite Thanksgiving foods with "healthier" versions. You don't need to throw away all your leftovers immediately to be sure you don't eat too much. No, I'm not asking you to plan a post-Thanksgiving detox. 

Hell. No. 

I am asking you to give yourself permission to eat the holiday foods you love. I talk about why we should allow ourselves to enjoy the holidays and not let diet culture make us feel like sh*t for enjoying it to the fullest.


Do you need help making peace with food and stopping the restrict/binge cycle??

Contact me to learn more about my 1:1, private online intuitive eating coaching services. 

You can schedule a FREE 20-minute call with me so I can find out what you're struggling with and you can determine if my program is a good fit for you!

Need MORE help healing your relationship with food AND exercise?

Consider joining my FREE Intuitive Eating & Body Compassion Facebook community!!! 

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