September is just around the corner! September for me is a time for renewal. I usually spend the summer a bit less productive than usual because the weather is warm and the beach is calling. To say this summer has been highly unusual is an understatement. 

I live in NY, which shut down in mid-March. My two young boys were home from school, no camp in the summer, and a lot of changes had to happen. As a mom and wife of a husband with a demanding job, I needed to put a lot of things that mattered most to me on pause: 

My business, my podcast, my pilates teacher training ... everything took a back seat. 

No wonder I started to feel antsy and unfulfilled.  All the things that make me feel energized and purposeful were not being tended to. 

And so... out came this short podcast episode! It made me think about all the things we want in life that we push off, say we don't have time for, create excuses to "start later", so forth and so on. 

We end up feeling unfulfilled, empty, and directionless. Many times this makes us end up turning to food for comfort or controlling, restricting food in an attempt to feel "in control" of something. 

Check out this episode where I talk about the connection between being unfulfilled and using food to fill a void. 


Interested in working with me? There are two ways I can help you:

#1: My intuitive eating group coaching program, Intuitive Eating Foundations. We are starting again in Fall 2020!! Click here for details. 

#2: My private, 1:1 intuitive eating online coaching. Click here for details.

Not sure which is the right option for you? You can schedule a FREE 20-minute call with me to tell me more about where you're at in your intuitive eating journey and ask any questions about how we can work together!

Need MORE help healing your relationship with food AND exercise?

Consider joining my FREE Intuitive Eating & Body Compassion Facebook community!!!