Janet Groom has suffered enormous pain in her life, but found salvation in the power of words.

Janet joins Paul today to discuss the healing power of words, how we can write to heal, and how connecting with our imagination can begin the process of repair for a broken heart.


Janet is the author of ‘Write to Heal: 10 Ways to Use Writing and Words to Boost Your Well-Being and Transform Your Life’

Her own life reads like an adventure story...She grew up in Northern Ireland in the midst of ‘The Troubles’ and it was her love of books and stories that proved to be her lifeline.  She is a bit of a nomad, having lived in six countries from Paris to Singapore; London to Connecticut (USA) and finally Switzerland, where she now lives with her husband.

Janet has had a diverse career path, working as a diplomat, computer trainer, and a project manager.  As well as writing, she is a qualified Transformational Coach, supporting her clients to get back on track to enjoying a happier, healthier and enjoyable life.

Writing brings her joy and when she is not writing, she is walking, baking, reading and making up stories in her head.

Contact Janet via…www.janetgroom.com


Paul Lowe is the founder of PaulLoweHEARTS and makes a difference by helping you make a difference. He is totally committed to his HEARTS-centred approach of…

Helping Everyone Achieve Results Towards Success

Paul has a long and distinguished history of coaching & mentoring - particularly focusing on helping you clarify your true life’s purpose. He has also been responsible for raising significant funds for a multitude of good causes; positively inspiring many, many children – from challenging backgrounds – within the UK and globally.

Paul and his empathic team embrace a three-fold purpose:

Firstly, to help you find your purpose; secondly, to get your inspirational messages & stories out into the world; whilst thirdly, to support charitable organisations in their development & fund-raising – to make a global difference.

We achieve this by:

Delivering our empowering HEARTS-centred programmes
Sharing your true-life inspirational messages and stories through our Speaking From Our HEARTS book series & podcast
Utilising our truly authentic charitable commitment, empathy & HEARTS


Mob: +44 (0) 7958 042 155
E-mail: [email protected]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PaulLoweHEARTS
Web: https://www.speakingfromourhearts.org
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/speakingfromourhearts1/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/343409936534175/
YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqmznF8VCcZKEdSfE7VlwUA 

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