On this episode guest host Bob Conlin is joined by guest Kev Bailey – a kinesiologist, crystal healer, spiritual healer and shamanic healer – to talk about our relationship with everything and the lessons learned from past romantic relationships.

Kev’s website: https://www.theuncommonheartfelttouch.com/ 


I definitely do believe we’re related to everything, and even little things that we do and thoughts we put out there the whole universe has to shift to consolidate whatever it is you’re thinking about or have done. 
Somebody said to me recently that I was coming to a fork in the road and that I’d have to make the correct choice and go with my heart. My girlfriend made the choice for me and, as hard as that was, you just have to accept and let it go because, at the end of the day, if it wasn’t working out for her and she decided to end it there’s no point trying to force things. You do get a bit upset, it’s like grief really, you’ve had a relationship for 6 years, but once you get over that grief point and you sit and reflect about your part in your downfall and you realise what they are and the lessons, hopefully you can take the other fork which is taking you in the right direction, wherever that may lead. Hopefully, the next time you get in a relationship you’re a bit older and wiser and you might not stuff-up the same way you did in the last one.
It’s amazing what our brains do to our bodies and how they mess us up by holding on to trauma. That’s why you get people with addictions to food, gambling, alcohol and drugs. They can’t deal with their emotions so most of the time they’re trying to escape and that’s their way to do it. Self-harm, anorexia and bulimia are the same sort of thing. But when you release the triggers for those addictions then technically those addictions should go away.
When I self-heal, I go into a meditative state and have a look at my life, where the regrets and mistakes or lessons are, and work things through and forgive and apologise – if you can’t do it to the person in-person, you can do it energetically. Sometimes you don’t even realise what it is that’s messed you up, that’s when you have to go to somebody external and hopefully they give you what’s going on.


‘It’s all about going with the flow and I’m open to whatever possibilities that the universe puts in my direction.’

‘For the last 20 years I’ve been waking up. Before that I was a complete and utter muggle, I was into the money and the cars, big job, big house, all the materialistic rubbish.’

‘I was asked by my ex-girlfriend that if spirit told me to do something and she didn’t want me to do it, would I still do it? I said: “I’m sorry, but at the end of the day, I’m committed to spirit. You can come along for the journey should you wish, but if you don’t wish then you’ve got free will that’s your choice. It’s like being in the army, if the army tells you to do it you do it, no matter what the wife says. If you’re going to get into this properly you have to talk the talk and also walk it.’

‘People that are in control don’t want us connecting to source and the universe because they want to control us and as soon as we do that they’ve lost control. So, we’re programmed and corrupted to believe what they’re telling us, if we allow it, rather than connecting directly to the source.’


Paul’s Story: Emerging From The Forest (UK): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Emerging-Forest-Pain-Purpose-Mastering/dp/1719373272

Paul’s Story: Emerging From The Forest (USA): https://www.amazon.com/Emerging-Forest-Pain-Purpose-Mastering/dp/1719373272

Mastering The Game Of Life Book (UK): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mastering-Game-Life-Paul-Lowe/dp/1782227679

Mastering The Game Of Life Book (USA): https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Game-Life-Paul-Lowe/dp/1782227679

Speaking From Our Hearts Books: Volumes 1-3 (Available on Amazon)
World Game-Changers Group


Bob is a Life, Love and Leadership champion, author, coach, trainer, husband, father, and a professional certified coach with the International Coach Federation.

His philosophy is that we are in relationship to everything and the top three opportunities for growth exist in self, loving others, and career. As a relationship coach, he’s doing the work that he was meant to do, in order to fulfil his life purpose.

As the author of the forthcoming book ‘Why Your Relationships Suck: How to Create Strong Relationships with Courage and Heart’ – and as a devoted student of the relationship development he preaches – Bob enjoys a rewarding and fuller life being a husband, coach, leader, musician, and traveller. He and his family were featured in Episode 3 of CBS’s “The Greatest #AtHome Videos” in August 2020.

Website: www.conlincoaching.com


Paul has made a remarkable transformation from existing for many years in dark, desperate despair; to now living a really healthy, happy and fulfilling life.

From an early age, he was in the vice-like clutches of the demon drink and constantly embroiled within a dark cocktail of toxic beliefs, self-hate and destructive violence.

Along with his empathetic and dedicated team of world-class coaches and mentors, Paul’s purpose is deeply transformational:

Contributing Significantly To World Peace…

He is extremely passionate about helping others to find their purpose, have a voice and ultimately, make a real difference.  

This has been built on a long and distinguished history of heart-centred coaching and mentoring.  He has also been responsible for raising significant amounts of funds for many charities and good causes around the world; positively impacting and inspiring thousands of children – mainly from challenging backgrounds – within the UK & worldwide.

Through this World Game-Changers podcast and books, he has been involved in – including being a best-selling co-author – Paul also helps others to get their own inspirational messages and stories out into the world; as well as offering support to many charitable organisations, in their development & fund-raising.


Tel: +44 (0) 7958 042 155

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: https://www.Paul-Lowe.com

Web: https://www.worldgamechangers.org/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IamPaulLowe/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-d-lowe-7a78332a/