On this episode of the World Game-Changers podcast, Paul is joined for a second time by Collins Mureithi to talk about what the term ‘unsung heroes’ means to him. 


Unsung heroes are people, leaders or champions who are doing something with impact wherever they are without recognition. 
There’s a lot of negative media out there and people don’t want to share good stories, but we have a lot of heroes in Kenya, a lot of people doing amazing stuff. I have a non-profit group of about 50 young leaders who are impacting their communities every day, even without resources, but these stories are not shared or highlighted by the media. But we who are doing it are committed to continue doing it and raising other people to understand that you can change the conversation and make people aware of the good stories.
There are a lot of challenges. Coming up with an initiative or organisation is not easy. I decided to be a soulful leader in my community – a hero – because I started that organisation with no resources because I wanted to inspire people. But you can’t do much without resources. We’re now moving into a new bigger office and young people are starting to come to us because they feel safe with us., but we need more IT facilities to help them. 
Heroes never see challenges as roadblocks, heroes see challenges as stepping stones to move to the next level.


‘When I want people to know about what I’m doing as a soulful leader, I start by living that as a person and doing what I know is right and being what I want them to see.’

‘I started a non-profit organisation just to build young leaders who will become agents of positive change in their communities. It’s a safe space where people can come and we can have these conversations.’

‘There’s an issue of ‘dependency syndrome’ among Africans, they depend on being given thongs. That’s a mindset that we as an organisation are trying to remove from people.’

‘In Kenya we may have the local resources but the government sometimes makes it very hard for people to get them because there’s a lot of corruption.’


Paul’s Story: Emerging From The Forest (UK): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Emerging-Forest-Pain-Purpose-Mastering/dp/1719373272

Paul’s Story: Emerging From The Forest (USA): https://www.amazon.com/Emerging-Forest-Pain-Purpose-Mastering/dp/1719373272

Mastering The Game Of Life Book (UK): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mastering-Game-Life-Paul-Lowe/dp/1782227679

Mastering The Game Of Life Book (USA): https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Game-Life-Paul-Lowe/dp/1782227679
Speaking From Our Hearts Books: Volumes 1-3 (Available on Amazon)
World Game-Changers Group


Collins Mureithi is the founder of a grassroots youth-led organisation called Centre For Adolescent Young Change Makers. He is passionate about empowering adolescents and young people to be leaders who will become agents of positive change in the community.

He has been in the humanitarian sector for 8 years, and is an experienced community mobilizer, passionate resource mobilizer, networking and skills in youth-led organisational development.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/collins.mureithi.16

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/collins-mureithi-86710520a/?originalSubdomain=ke 

Website: https://ysokenya.org/centre-for-adolescent-young-change-makers/#:~:text=Center%20For%20Adolescent%20%26%20Young%20Change,Of%20Change%20in%20the%20Community


Paul has made a remarkable transformation from existing for many years in dark, desperate despair; to now living a really healthy, happy and fulfilling life.

From an early age, he was in the vice-like clutches of the demon drink and constantly embroiled within a dark cocktail of toxic beliefs, self-hate and destructive violence.

Along with his empathetic and dedicated team of world-class coaches and mentors, Paul’s purpose is deeply transformational:

Contributing Significantly To World Peace…

He is extremely passionate about helping others to find their purpose, have a voice and ultimately, make a real difference.  

This has been built on a long and distinguished history of heart-centred coaching and mentoring.  He has also been responsible for raising significant amounts of funds for many charities and good causes around the world; positively impacting and inspiring thousands of children – mainly from challenging backgrounds – within the UK & worldwide.

Through this World Game-Changers podcast and books, he has been involved in – including being a best-selling co-author – Paul also helps others to get their own inspirational messages and stories out into the world; as well as offering support to many charitable organisations, in their development & fund-raising.


Tel: +44 (0) 7958 042 155

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: https://www.Paul-Lowe.com

Web: https://www.worldgamechangers.org/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IamPaulLowe/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-d-lowe-7a78332a/