This week we’re dealing out the “truthslaps” – in a loving way, of course. Wendy, Cher and Shar discuss ten truths for self-publishers that will help you navigate the choppy waters of a new indie author career. We want to be positive, but also realistic, so we are holding nothing back here. This is a rewarding (but tough) business and it requires patience and persistence. When you’re starting out you’re more than just a writer, you’re launching a small business with a pretty steep learning curve. Fortunately there’s a ton of help out there and here in the SPA is the best place to start!

This week we’re dealing out the “truthslaps” – in a loving way, of course. Wendy, Cher and Shar discuss ten truths for self-publishers that will help you navigate the choppy waters of a new indie author career. We want to be positive, but also realistic, so we are holding nothing back here. This is a rewarding (but tough) business and it requires patience and persistence. When you’re starting out you’re more than just a writer, you’re launching a small business with a pretty steep learning curve. Fortunately there’s a ton of help out there and here in the SPA is the best place to start!

You do need an editor and someone to proofread.

Your book deserves good editor so that you are giving it the best chance of success. A proof reader at the end of your process will make it even better.
You do need to set up a mailing list/newsletter. This is one of those things that must be done sooner rather than later.
You do need to be prepared for a slow start and a long haul. Be Passionate. Be Patient.
Do your own research and due diligence. Listen to others’ advice, but always rely on your own research and gut instinct. Whether it’s genres, marketing methods, advertising resources or self publishing “gurus”, always remember there’s no such thing as a magic wand!
You do need a basic web site. And don’t forget to set up your Amazon Author Page (and other retail sites) Listen to our podcast on Zhushing Up Your Amazon Author Page for detailed advice.
You do need to be professional at all times.  Everything you say or do on social media will have a consequence. Respect yourself, respect your process, respect other writers and most importantly, respect your readers.
You do need a good cover. The cover is the window to your product – make sure it’s the best you can afford.
You must believe in yourself and learn to deal with any comparisonitis. Trying to copy others is good and bad, and there may be other reasons your book isn’t doing as well as another’s.
Do use other beta readers that aren’t your family and who will tell you the truth! You want honesty, not unhelpful ego-stroking. Remember you can take advice or choose to ignore it.
Do keep studying and improving your craft. Remember “it’s all about the story”. Tell it well and never stop learning.

Further reading:

Check out our Author Overwhelm book for tips on coping with comparisonitis and information overload.

The Naked Truth About Self-Publishing is also a must-read.