This week we talk about NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. Every year in November, writers around the world challenge themselves to write 50,000 words in 30 days. For newer writers, it can seem like an insurmountable challenge, but even just joining in and being part of the NaNoWriMo environment can be inspiring and energising. It's been getting bigger and bigger every year, and for the writers who manage to 'win' (ie finish 50K) it's an amazing achievement. There are stories everywhere of people who've started their writing career with NaNoWriMo, going on to publish many books and have successful careers.

So what's so great about NaNoWriMo? That's what we discuss in this episode of the SPA Girls Podcast - why it's been so successful, the aspects of it that we love, and why we think you should be doing it this year. (And don't miss our surprise challenge at the end of the episode!)

This week we talk about NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. Every year in November, writers around the world challenge themselves to write 50,000 words in 30 days. For newer writers, it can seem like an insurmountable challenge, but even just joining in and being part of the NaNoWriMo environment can be inspiring and energising. It’s been getting bigger and bigger every year, and for the writers who manage to ‘win’ (ie finish 50K) it’s an amazing achievement. There are stories everywhere of people who’ve started their writing career with NaNoWriMo, going on to publish many books and have successful careers.

So what’s so great about NaNoWriMo? That’s what we discuss in this episode of the SPA Girls Podcast – why it’s been so successful, the aspects of it that we love, and why we think you should be doing it this year. (And don’t miss our surprise challenge at the end of the episode!)

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Sign up to Nanowrimo

Martha Alderson’s guide to scheduling Nanowrimo

How Nanowrimo changes your writing routine