We've talked about reverse harem a little bit on the show, but this week we decided to get someone on who knows all about it, so we could pick their brains... Mwahahaha...

So we convinced USA Today Bestselling paranormal romance author Steffanie Holmes to come on the show and chat about exactly what reverse harem is, how she came to write reverse harem novels, what you need to know about it, and how she so successfully launched her recent series. 

Steff is a very smart author, and she's steeped in the reverse harem world, so not only was she was able to give us heaps of useful information for how to write and launch a reverse harem series, but  also insights into her writing style, her processes and ideas for marketing your books. 

We’ve talked about reverse harem a little bit on the show, but this week we decided to get someone on who knows all about it, so we could pick their brains… Mwahahaha…

We convinced USA Today Bestselling paranormal romance author Steffanie Holmes to come on the show and chat about exactly what reverse harem is, how she came to write reverse harem novels, what you need to know about it, and how she so successfully launched her recent series.

Steff is a very smart author, and she’s steeped in the reverse harem world, so not only was she was able to give us heaps of useful information for how to write and launch a reverse harem series, but  also insights into her writing style, her processes and ideas for marketing your books.

Cher’s main takeaway from the interview: I loved Steff’s idea of using a rough outline with just a few sentences per chapter to help speed along the writing process, but the key is to have an idea of how to begin and where the story ends. I might never write reverse harem, but I’m sure that even a simple outline would help when you’re trying to corral several heroes!

Trudi’s main takeaway from the interview: It was fascinating to be able to pick Steff’s brains on the ins and outs of the reverse harem genre (or relationship type, as Steff told us to call it), and to learn more about the reverse harem Facebook groups, and the ways she’s been able to do outreach for her new series.


Steff’s website: http://steffanieholmes.com/
Steff’s blog: https://www.steffmetal.com/

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