The delightful USA Today bestselling author Kelly St Clare talks to the SPA Girls this week about how she moved from being a physiotherapist in a busy clinic to her current career as an Amazon bestselling author of young adult fantasy novels. 

Kelly was fascinating because as well as all her fantastic tips on writing, time management and marketing, she was also able to give us some great advice on how to stay healthy as an author. 

We all had some epiphany moments in this episode, from Kelly's tips on how she improves her craft with every book, how she makes sure that she is proactive and motivated with her writing, and how she monitors the fine line between passion and health to ensure she stays at her best at all times. 

Another great interview with a talented, hardworking and super-smart author doing very well on the international stage! 

The delightful USA Today bestselling author Kelly St Clare talks to the SPA Girls this week about how she moved from being a physiotherapist in a busy clinic to her current career as an Amazon bestselling author of young adult fantasy novels.

Kelly was fascinating because as well as all her fantastic tips on writing, time management and marketing, she was also able to give us some great advice on how to stay healthy as an author.

We all had some epiphany moments in this episode, from Kelly’s tips on how she improves her craft with every book, how she makes sure that she is proactive and motivated with her writing, and how she monitors the fine line between passion and health to ensure she stays at her best at all times.

Another great interview with a talented, hardworking and super-smart author doing very well on the international stage!

Kelly can be found at:

In The Wild facebook group:

Cher’s main takeaway from the interview: For me, Kelly reiterated the fact that new authors must do their research before thinking about publishing a book. Find out what your genre looks like and what it embodies. Where will your readers be hanging out? Create a presence and be authentic, fun, consistent, and interesting.

Trudi’s main takeaway from the interview: I loved how Kelly talked about the “fine line between passion and health”, which was basically how she uses her physiotherapy knowledge to help her stay healthy as an author so that she can perform at optimal levels. I was struck by how she said that by ignoring your health as an author – ie staying crunched over your desk for 12 hours a day for months on end – will have a detrimental effect on your writing. Staying healthy is just another part of your writing career that it is important to maintain.

Shar’s main takeaway from the interview: As well as Kelly’s very smart approach to balancing “working author” lifestyle with health, I loved what she said about focusing on “one craft weakness” when she’s writing each book and really nailing that. Writing, let alone self-publishing, can be overwhelming and the way she spoke about channeling her focus instead of trying to “fix all the things” was a real lightbulb moment for me.

SPA Girls Podcast can be found at, on Facebook at, and Twitter at @spagirlspodcast 

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