We are entering into a pivotal week days before the Spring Equinox ,  New Moon in Aries , & the life changing transit of Pluto moving into Aquarius after 15 years in Capricorn which will foster in a new Era for humanity and change us and the world in huge ways . 

Because of all the change happening, we are all being served opportunities to understand, learn and even then teach others about our own Healing Journey. In this video, we are talking about the monumental changes we are all experiencing, how it relates to the Mayan Prophecy of ushering in.the New Age of Harmony, and what this has to do with you giving yourself permission to heal and disrupt the patterns of pain, shame, and abuse that have plagued your lineage for too long.    

I also share with you 5 ways to prepare for the Spring Equinox and the most important astrological transit happening in 2023 of Pluto moving into Aquarius.   

Sat Nam 

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