Rose kicks off episode #1 by introducing us to the ladies on her team who bring Soul Stretch e-blasts to life, then discusses exactly WHAT a mantra is and why we need them in our lives. From gratitude mantras like "Thank you for bringing me here" and "I Am ___, I Am Surrounded By___ and I Am Grateful For___" to a mantra to just keep you centered, calm and positive: "Just Keep Swimming..." you'll come to love this workhorse in your yoga tool box. Rose walks us through taking "box breaths" to help find peace during the craziness of the holidays as well as the best yoga pose to help feel better after digesting that big holiday meal. Even though this was recorded before Thanksgiving (Tina took a little extra time to learn the editing software!!) the conversation is still relevant and oh so needed for the holiday season.

If you have any gratitude stories to share, email us: [email protected]
For more information and to read Rose's previous e-blasts, visit the blog page on

Namaste, Lovelies!