We're all exhausted this time of year from the pressure of the holidays. We're cranky because we have so much to do. It gets compounded at the New Year when we start thinking about our resolutions and change. We get stuck and resist. We stew. What we really need to to "stop stewing" and "start doing". How do we do it? By finding our Tapas and cooking ourselves in the fire of self-discipline. Part of that elusive process means getting past the blocks we throw in our path.  Rose and Tina talk about what "Tapas" really means and how we can light the fire inside ourselves to make real, meaningful change stick. We'll use lion's breath, warrior 2 pose and a great mantra to help us along the way.  We introduce our new Podcast Party Favor for this episode from the website - our "Manifest 2020" vision board template to help you organize the things you want to attract to make life better for you. Namaste, Lovelies!