The last three weeks we’ve explored the technique I teach in my soul school program called name it, claim it, tame it to become more aware of your inner critic and how it sabotages you, then claiming ownership of that voice of your thoughts and beliefs and patterns and finally taming it by choosing a new path, a new way of speaking to yourself, a new belief, a new mantra that connects you back home to yourself and to your true self.

whatever you're not changing, you are choosing .

You are not a victim.

Life doesn't happen to you. It happens for you

Every relationship is a teacher. Every situation offers a lesson and opportunity to learn and grow.

You have the power within you to choose how you want to feel each day and consciously choose to bring that feeling, thought or belief with your throughout the rest of your day.

If you need more support, you can watch my YouTube video or go back to the podcast episode #122 of How to embody how you want to feel each day by creating a sacred

Until next week, remember whatever you're not changing, you are choosing.

I’m so grateful you’re part of this soul school community! Thank you in advance for rating, subscribing and sharing this podcast so others can find this content.

If you’re interesting in going deeper into this work, sign up for the waitlist for my Soul School program on my websiteyoutube channel or instagram.

Remember you are enough and you matter.

You have all of the answers within you to heal, choose again and know yourself.

