EP 42:  Stop Procrastinating and Manifest Your Dreams with L’areal Lipkins

I hope to share topics that lift you up and inspire you to live your fullest life. Today, I am excited to have L’areal Lipkins on the podcast because she is just the right person to help you conquer your goals and manifest your dreams.

I all too well know that feeling where I set some lofty goal and then fail to meet it. It is soul crushing and deflates my self-worth. Do you know that gut wrenching feeling too when you make a promise to yourself that you don’t keep?

L’areal is the owner of Vision Boards over Brunch and author of, A Woman With Vision: How to Fulfill the Goals and Dreams God Has Given You, helping people get clear of their core WHY behind their goals, and will show you how to easily accomplish your goals in order to live your fullest life.

Everyone has dreams. Goal setting is easy and can be fun, but the EXECUTION is so dang hard. She shows you how to overcome procrastination by being mindful of the goals you keep recycling and your excuses.

If your goals are bigger than your belief system, you will never accomplish them. She shows you how to replace negative self-talk with a positive mindset and take actions to align with what you desire.

Ya’ll ready to hear L’areal’s tips of how to give yourself permission to outgrow yourself in order to manifest your dreams? Well, friend, grab a pen and journal --- here we go!

