EP 43: Collaboration not Competition. Celebration over Comparison

Last week I spoke at an event sponsored by SAP Concur in honor of #nationalsmallbusinessweek. I had the opportunity to be on a panel with 11 incredible women having real talk about how to build and support your #smallbusiness and yourself, how to stay in balance with your priorities and how to stay connected to yourself and each other.

So many times during the night I looked at my fellow lady leaders and thought “I am the luckiest person to be part of this positively strong women tribe!”

Being a woman is a funny thing. When we were younger, there was so much competition and comparison with each other. We put each other down, were mean to others, we judged other and criticized them. We kept ourselves in small and lonely places by separating ourselves from other girls.

Why did we waste so much energy on this? It just created more separation and cliques. I’m sure this stems from our own judgment of ourselves.

I am so grateful that THESE powerful ladies brought me into their family, and accept, support and love me. I doubt we would have run in the same circles in high school. I was far from being popular or athletic.

But I’m glad we could come together now as women, mature women. It just shows how powerful it is that we can collaborate and celebrate each other. No competition. No comparison. Just celebration.

I am so thankful to these goddesses for continually inspiring me to be my highest self and to remind us that we are all the same souls, seeking connection and love.

This week, my invitation to you is how can you stay in celebration of others? How can you support others? How can you stay in that abundance mindset?

Notice when you dip below the line and start to compare yourself to someone else or when you judge them – because really you are just judging yourself. Notice when you start to listen to your itty-bitty-shitty-committee and dip into that place of scarcity and not enoughness, of lack of time, money, love, resources – whatever it is that makes you feel like a victim.

As soon as you are aware of this scarcity mindset, you immediately connect back to your power to create change in your beliefs and actions. 

Please let me know how this is helping you this week! We gotta support each other girlfriend! I know when I am in support of people, the universe supports me right back. Abundance not scarcity. That’s the mantra this week. Holler at me on instagram and on my blog. And to see these ladies, head over to my blog