When you’re feeling stuck, it’s time to get out of the mind and connect to the stillness and softness of your heart and soul that always speaks the truth.

When you’re busy physically and mentally, what gets left behind is YOU!

Today’s intention is to get clear on how you want to feel and the invitation is for you to create a small ritual to fill up your cup so you can embody that feeling every day.

In addition to your ritual, I invite you to obsess over how you want to feel as much as you can throughout the day.

Often times, we obsess over what we DON’T want instead of focusing on what we DO want.

In today's conversation, I'll guide you how to embody how you want to feel every day.

Please share with me in the comments what came up for you and what you are learning about yourself on my websiteyoutube channel or instagram.

Thank you for being here, SHARING and REVIEWING this podcast



