Today’s episode is about completion. 


HUH? What does this have to do with self-love or mindfulness? 


When we don’t complete our tasks, it chips at our self worth. If we have a running list of all the things we need to do, this ever growing list can feel overwhelming, anxiety inducing and stressful.


Completion of our tasks builds self worth, confidence and relieves stress.



What projects or tasks have I left unfinished? (this could be as simple as finishing reading a book, or sending out an email to a larger project or dream)

What outstanding debts do I have?

Who do I owe money to? 

Who do I owe an apology to? 

Who do I owe words of appreciation to?

What dreams have I put on hold?


How does not completing these things make me feel?

How would it feel to complete these tasks and projects?


Now the work begins: It doesn’t matter the order - just start completing each task fully! Usually simple and easy is best. 

Make a plan and start checking them off. When you do, write down next to each task how completing  this made you feel.

Share with me too!





Want to dive in deeper? 

Download your free ENVISION+RECEIVE workbook and meditation HERE to create a mini-retreat to gain clarity of what you want and how you want to feel this year.

And join me!!! 👇🏼

🌴beautiful BALI RETREAT in April for ultimate healing, magic + transformation

❤️GODDESS GATHERING workshop March 23rd (Maple Valley in person)

🎁 Need more calm?