Do you struggle with being your authentic self? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, most of us have struggled with it at some point! So, how does inauthenticity affect your life? Where does it come from and how can we embrace our authenticity more? Listen in to find out!

In this episode of Soul Essence, Xandra breaks down the root causes of inauthenticity, how it may be impacting your mental health and quality of life, and how you can practice being more authentic in your daily life.

Everyone has a unique, authentic soul essence… it’s just a matter of seeing and connecting with it, which can be challenging at first! However, it’s actually very hard to hide your authentic self. Even when you try to hide it, it comes out in different ways and people can feel that.

If you want to start embracing your authenticity more, especially if you’re an empath, HSP, or star seed, join Xandra for a little chat about how to do just that. Remember, this is what you’re here for!

“Being your authentic self is what you’re here for. You’re here to learn and grow and get closer and closer to being your brilliant, authentic self.” – Xandra Hawes

Topics Discussed:

What is authenticity?What it really means to live an authentic life.How inauthenticity can cause mental health issues, especially in queer people.How inauthenticity issues can negatively affect your career, health, mindset, and more.Challenges that empaths, HSPs, and star seeds face in identifying and connecting to their authentic selves.How highly sensitive, empathic, and intuitive people can embrace authenticity and trust more.Xandra’s personal experience dealing with (in)authenticity and blocking love and care.How to practice taking compliments.

“Being in your full, authentic selves is one of the highest spiritual frequencies that you can hold in yourself. It’s what people crave.” – Xandra Hawes

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About the Host:
Xandra Hawes, MA, LPC is a Contemplative Psychotherapist & Psychic-Medium in private practice, as well as the creator of Soul Essence Wellness Center. Using her background in Buddhist psychology as the foundation for teaching, Xandra helps sensitive and empathic people discover their spiritual gifts, learn transformative energy healing practices, and live with more confidence, self-trust and joy.